Connecting the Beer Tower to Coupler
Make sure the washer is properly inserted into the wing nut.
Place wing nut into the top of the coupler turning until tight.
How to Tap a Keg of Beer
Make sure the beer tower faucet is in the closed position.
Pull tapping handle out and press downward until it locks into position. (See Figure 8)
The keg is now tapped.
Opening the CO
Cylinder Main Valve
Before doing that, make sure the secondary shut-off valve is closed, as shown in figure
9. To open the main CO
cylinder valve, slowly turn the main valve counter-clockwise
until fully open.
Notice the needle on the gauge start to climb.
Adjusting the CO
The gauge monitors low internal keg pressure and should be adjusted to read 10-12
PSI. (See Figure 10)
In order to do that:
Release adjustment lock nut marked 2.
Using a flat screwdriver, turn regulator screw marked 3. If increased low pressure
is sought, rotate screw clockwise. By rotating it counter clockwise, low pressure will
be decreased. When required operating pressure is attained, retighten lock nut 2.
Open secondary shut off valve to let CO
flow into the keg.
8 Figure
9 Figure
Keep beer keg refrigerated at all times.
Never allow beer lines to dry out.
Use clean beer glassware before pouring.
Hold glass at a 45° angle; when 2/3 full, start to straighten glass and tap it off.
Always make sure the faucet handle is pushed all the way back.
Keg Storage Capacity:
1/2 barrel 59 Liters
15.5 gals.
1984 oz.
164 / 12-oz. Glass
1/4 barrel 30 Liters
7.8 gals.
992 oz.
82 / 12-oz. Glass
1/6 barrel 20 Liters
5.2 gals.
661 oz.
55 / 12-oz. Glass
1/8 barrel 15 Liters
4.0 gals.
496 oz.
41 / 12-oz. Glass
NOTE: Kegerator can fit up to 1 Full Size/ ½-Barrel, or 1 Pony Size / ¼-Barrel Shorts, or
1-2 ¼-Barrel Slims, or 3 1/6-Barrels. However, not all keg brands are the same shape/size.
Our Beer dispenser accepts almost all Brand Name ½ kegs. However, Coors’ kegs do not
fit in unit.
1 7 6 2 1 S o u t h S u s a n a R o a d , R a n c h o D o m i n g u e z , C a l i f o r n i a 9 0 2 2 1
i n f o @ v i n o t e m p . c o m