Manual Call Recorder Octo | Quarto © Vidicode 2011-2022
SMTP server address
The Call Recorder uses the IP address of the SMTP server to send E-mail.
In case a local SMTP server is used the IP number can be entered directly.
In case of an SMTP server outside the network both the Gateway and
the Subnet Mask need to be set later on.
Press CHANGE to enter the IP address of the SMTP server.
Use the numerical keys to enter the IP address of the SMTP server. Both
an IP number or IP name are allowed. In case an IP name is used the DNS
server needs to be configured.
Press STORE to save the IP address of the SMTP server.
Press NEXT to move on to the next menu item.
SMTP server port
SMTP-server port is the port number through which the Call Recorder
connects with the SMTP server. The SMTP-server port of the Call
Recorder is default set to 25. Do not change the SMTP-server port
number when this value is not explicitly changed in the SMTP server.
Press CHANGE to change the SMTP-server port number.