701T(28G) Digital time clock with BST/GMT automatic correction, back
lit LCD display and trade button input
The digital time clock has been designed particularly for the access control market. It incorporates all the features
required from a time clock including:-
12V AC or DC operation.
Dry Contact 3A rated relay output (CO, NO & NC).
Six fully programmable ON/OFF times. The times can be set for a single day of the week, weekends, week days
or all days. To disable an ON/OFF time simply set the ON time the same as the OFF time. (Note for ON/OFF
period 1: If that period is on it will still switch off when ON/OFF are set the same).
Three month rechargeable on board battery backup that will maintain the correct time and all time bands during
mains failures. The battery backup facility can be disabled, by moving JP3 into position B.
Automatic British summer time correction (BST/GMT). If this feature is not required it can be disabled, by moving
JP2 into position A.
Manual override button to toggle the relay on and off in standby mode (NOTE: The manual override is attached to
time band 1 and so will switch off at the off time of time band 1 (Unless another time band is also set to on). For
all other time bands the relay will stay in the state it is left until the next on then off time period).
Trade button input: When the time clock is used in trade mode, the relay will only energise when the trade button
is pressed and then, only during an active time band. The time clock can be switched into trade mode by moving
JP1 into position A. When JP1 is in position B the relay will energise for the full duration of an active time band.
Trade activated relay time can be adjusted from 1 second up to 99 seconds during programming.
All information is displayed on an easy to read 2 lines 16 characters back lit LCD display.
The time clock is mounted within an ABS white wall mountable plastic box.
In standby mode the time clock display will show the current day of the week, the time and date. It will also show if the
time is British summer time (BST) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Finally the display will indicate if the relay is ON or
OFF. When this is flashing it indicates the time clock is in trade mode and so the relay will only energise when the trade
button is pressed (The ON/OFF flashing, only indicates if a time band is on or off). If the ON/OFF is fixed, this indicates
the state of the relay.
- 12V
- Ground
For connection of a normally open trade button to Gnd
- Common
- Normally
Normally closed connection on relay