Part No. 8009-8172-60-00 Rev 1006
Instruction Manual XX172-60
Instruction Manual XX172-60
The information in this manual covers the installation of the KX-4-CC Rack Mount for the KTX-4 Digital Video
Server and KRX-3 Digital Video Decoder. This unit should be installed by a qualified technician using approved
materials in accordance with national, state and local codes. Read these instructions through completely before
attempting installation.
If the KTX-4 or KRX-3 is to be mounted into a standard 19-inch racking system, the KX-4-CC Rack Mount can be
used. The KX-4-CC allows up to eight (8) units to be installed vertically into the rack.
Use the following procedure to install the KX-4-CC. Refer to Figure 1.
1. Slide the KTX-4/KRX-3 vertically along the rails in the card cage into the desired slot.
a. If it is required that the unit be permanently attached to the card cage, remove one of the two screws on
the rear panel (top or bottom) of the unit. Reinsert the previously removed screw through the provided
locking tab, being sure to catch the lip of the card cage, and attach to the unit. Refer to Figure 1.
b. If it is required to allow the unit be periodically removed from the cage, do not secure it to the card cage
with the clamp. It will fit snugly in the cage without being attached to it.
2. Slide the filled KX-4-CC into the racking system and secure it with appropriate hardware for the particular
racking system. Refer to the instruction manual for the KTX-4 or KRX-3 to make cable connections and for
complete installation instruction for the unit.
Figure 1
Installing Diagram
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