Generating Reports
XX128-33-00 Rev 806 Kollector Pro Network Digital Video Recorder
The ViconNet system enables you to generate various reports that each contain a specific type of information,
Alarm History Reports
Recording Status Reports
Audit Log Reports
Device Status Reports
Each type of report can be used for analysis of system operations. In addition to easy access to specific
information, you can sort and search through the report information, as required.
Saving Logs
In addition, each report provides the option to save the log files, enabling us to retrieve logs from IP and other
products which do not have a hard drive (and therefore save their logs in the nucleus), or remote sites which
are connected to the same nucleus, yet which are not physically reachable (such as a unit which is located in
a closet, or where the USB is behind the unit and cannot be reached, and so on). This feature enables
browsing and selection of a destination folder to save a log.