Copyright 2018 Vestil Manufacturing Corp.
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This product can be used as either a front end attachment when mounted on the forks of a fork truck, or a below-
the-hook lifter when attached to a hoist or other overhead lifting device.
According to US Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Rule 1910.178 (29 CFR
1910.178; the “Rule”), this device is a front end attachment for a lift truck whenever it is mounted on the forks of a lift
truck. The Rule incorporates American National Standard ANSI/ITSDF B56.1 (the “Standard”) published by the
Industrial Truck Standards Development Foundation (ITSDF) on its website (
). The standard is freely
. Before putting this drum mover into service, you must
acquire a copy of the Standard. Apply all relevant parts of Part II: For the User. If instructions provided in this manual
conflict with the Standard, then you should apply the instructions in the Standard. If you find any such disparities,
Vestil request that you immediately share them with our
personnel. Contact information for
appears on the cover page of this manual.
When attached to an overhead lifting device, this product is a “Below-the-Hook Lifting Device” (BTH lifter).
(the “Standard”) applies to BTH lifters. Acquire a copy of the latest version of the Standard before
putting the lifter into service. Follow all use and maintenance/care instructions provided in the Standard as well as all
other provisions for owners and users. If content in this manual conflicts with any recommendation or mandatory
provision in the Standard, apply the provision from the Standard. Vestil encourages you to immediately contact
if you discover any conflicts.
This product can be used either as a below-the-hook lifting device (attached to a hoist) or as a forklift attachment.
Step 1: Set the lifter next to the drum. The base
should contact the side of the drum.
Step 2: Tip the drum slightly away from the lifter.
Slide the base of the lifter under the drum. The side
of the drum should contact the back of the drum
Step 3: Apply the ratchet strap. If the strap is not
long enough to wrap around the drum, then release
the spooling mechanism. Pull the release lever up
and hold it. Pull the strap away from the ratchet to
unspool strap and increase its length.
Step 4: Feed the hook at the end of the strap into
the hook slot in the frame. Move the ratchet handle
back-and-forth to tighten the strap against the drum.
Do not overtighten the strap, particularly when a
drum is plastic or fiber. Overtightening the strap
might damage (crack or rupture) the drum.
Step 5: Connect the lifter to a hoist or mount it on
the forks of your lift truck.
a. Hoist: attach the hoist hook to the shackle. Do
not side load the hoist! Side loading the hoist will
result in load swing as the lifter lifts off of the ground.
b. Forklift: drive the forks through both fork
channels. Drive forward until the forks wedge
against the tops and bottoms of the channels.
c. Forklift: Attach the safety strap to the fork carriage. Wrap the strap around the carriage. Fasten the hook to
the strap or welded quick link (see
without slack
. The strap must not be able to
disconnect from the carriage during use.
Step 6: Raise the drum a few inches above the ground. Watch the drum and lifter for approximately 5 seconds to be
certain that the drum is secure. If the strap must be tightened, lower the lifter to the ground and then tighten the strap.
Step 7: Transport the drum to the desired location.
a. Overhead hoist: Lift the drum ~5-6 inches above the ground. Stand behind the drum. Grasp the handle
welded to the back of the cradle. Carefully direct the lifter to the desired location.. Minimize drum swing by
moving the hoist
Continued on following page (5)
Pull release lever
up to release strap
Drum cradle
Hook fits
into hook
Tighten the
shackle pin
before each