VESTEL 10110892 User Manual Download Page 1



4K SMART 43UD8400 43” LED TV


Summary of Contents for 10110892


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Page 3: ...kullan rken keyif alman z diliyoruz Bu r n evreye sayg l VESTEL ELEKTRON K A tesislerinde do aya zarar vermeden retilmi tir nemli G venlik Bilgileri Cihaz n z h zl bir ekilde renmek ve t m fonksiyonla...

Page 4: ...r 7 UYARI 7 Sorumluluk S n rlamas 8 zellikler 8 Dahil olan aksesuarlar 9 Bekleme Bildirileri 9 TV Kontrol Tu u ve al t rma 9 Pilleri Uzaktan Kumandan za Yerle tiriniz 10 Elektrik Ba lant s 10 Anten Ba...

Page 5: ...rt Center 36 nternet Taray c s 39 Bilgi 40 PC Giri i Tipik Ekran Modlar 40 AV ve HDMI sinyal uyumu 40 USB Modunda Desteklenen Video Dosyas Bi imleri 41 USB Modunda Desteklenen Resim Dosyas Bi imleri 4...

Page 6: ...lanmak i in ekranda verilen talimatlar izleyiniz A r hava ko ullar nda f rt nalar y ld r mlar ve uzun s re kullan lmama durumunda tatil TV nin fi ini ekiniz Elektrik kablosu TV setinin elektrik ebekes...

Page 7: ...tedir S n f 1 Lazer r n Bu r n ng r len CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT al ma ko ullar nda makul l de g venli olan S n f 1 lazer kayna i ermektedir i UYARI Televizyon setini asla sabit olmayan bir yere yerle ti...

Page 8: ...v ya maruz b rakmay n z E er kabinin zerine s v d k lecek olursa TV nin fi ini ekiniz ve tekrar al t rmadan nce vas fl eleman taraf ndan kontrol ettiriniz TV nin damlayan veya s rayan s v lara maruz k...

Page 9: ...ile siliniz Islak bez alkol amonyak a nd r c i eren temizlik s v s veya tiner gibi yan c maddeler kullanmay n z Hoparl r zgaralar na veya di er bo luk lara s v d k lmesine veya yabanc cisim girme sine...

Page 10: DVB S2 yay nlar zerinden Ultra HD i erikler desteklenir Uzaktan kumandal renkli TV Tam entegre dijital karasal yay n kablolu yay n uydu yay n al c l TV DVB T C S S2 HDMI soketli di er cihazlar ba...

Page 11: ...TV yi yeniden a t n zda a a daki mesaj g r nt lenir Uzun bir s re boyunca i lem yap lmad i in TV otoma tik olarak bekleme moduna ge ti Devam etmek i in OK tu una bas n z TV Kontrol Tu u ve al t rma 1...

Page 12: tu lar ile de kanal de i tirebilirsiniz Pilleri Uzaktan Kumandan za Yerle tiriniz nce uzaktan kumandan n arka taraf nda bulunan pil yuvas n n kapa n sabitleyen viday s k n z Kapa yava a kald r n z...

Page 13: ...veya DTS HD ile Sembol birlikte DTS Inc ticari markalar d r DTS Inc T m Haklar Sakl d r YouTubeveYouTubelogosuGoogleIncticari markalar d r Bu r n Microsoft un baz fikri m lkiyet haklar na tabi teknolo...

Page 14: 100 Kanal CH140 200 mW lke K s tlamalar Bu cihaz a a da belirtilen lkeler d nda t m AB lkelerinde ve ilgili AB y netme liklerini uygulayan di er lkelerde herhangi bir k s tlama olmadan evde ve ofis...

Page 15: ...lar Men lerde i eriklerde vb gezinmeye yar mc olur ve Sa a veya Sola bas ld nda TXT modunda alt sayfalar g r nt ler 9 Sessiz TV nin sesini tamamen kapat r 10 Bilgi Ekrandaki i erik hakk nda bilgi g r...

Page 16: ...veya bir nceki ekrana d ner 29 Program 30 OK Kullan c se imlerini onaylar sayfay tutar TXT modunda kanal listesini g sterir DTV modu 31 Men TV men s n g r nt ler 32 De i tir nceki kanal veya kaynak i...

Page 17: lant s nda YPbPr PC ses kablosu ile yan ses giri lerini kullanman z gerekir Duvara montaj kiti e er birlikte verilmemi se piyasadan nc taraf bir malzeme temin edilebilir kullan l rken duvara montaj...

Page 18: ...k ayarlar tamamland ktan sonra TV dijital karasal yay nlar arayacakt r Dijital Kablo E er Dijital Kablolu yay n arama se ene i a l rsa ilk ayarlar tamamland ktan sonra TV dijital kablolu yay nlar aray...

Page 19: ...z Sonra TKGS Kurulumu ba latmak i in OK tu una bas n z Antentipinia a daa kland gibiayarlay n z Kurulum s ras nda HD veya SD kanal se imi yapabilirsiniz Bu se im Kurulum TKGS Kurulumu men s alt nda b...

Page 20: ...lar g r nt lenecektir Devam etmek i in OK tu una bas n z Sonra Kanal Listesini D zenle men s g r nt lenecektir Kanal listesini tercihlerinize g re d zenleyebilir veya Menu tu una basarak TV izleyebili...

Page 21: ...ndaki USB giri lerinden birine bir USB disk tak n Ortam Taray c s modundayken Menu tu una bas ld nda Resim Ses ve Ayarlar men se eneklerine eri ilecektir Men tu una tekrar bas ld nda bu ekrandan k l r...

Page 22: ses k lar n otomatik olarak sessiz moda almaz Bu y zden e er sadece ba lanm olan ses cihaz ndan gelen sesi duymak istiyorsan z TV sesini man el olarak k sman z gerekir di er optik ve koaksiyel diji...

Page 23: ...i ayarlar Serin Normal S cak ve zel se enekleri kullan labilir Beyaz Nokta E er Renk S cakl se ene i zel olarak ayarlanm sa bu ayar kullan labilir Sol veya Sa tu lara basarak g r nt n n s cakl n veya...

Page 24: ...labilir ve TV nize kablosuz bir ekilde ba layabilirsiniz AVL Otomatik Ses S n rlama Programlar aras nda sabit bir ses k elde edilebilmesine olanak sa lar Kulakl k Ses k Kulakl kjak n kullanarakteleviz...

Page 25: ...eya devre d b rak r HDMI kaynaklar i inNormal Geli mi ve Devre D se enekleri bulunmaktad r Normal ve Geli mi se enekleri se ilen HDMI kayna n n renk ayarlar n etkiler HDMI kayna ndan 4K veya HDR g r n...

Page 26: ...ler kullan lamayabilir Ses ve G r nt Payla m Ses ve G r nt Payla m zelli i ak ll telefonlar n zda veya Tablet PC nizde saklanan dosyalar payla man z sa lar E er DLNA uyumlu bir ak ll telefonunuz veya...

Page 27: ...abilir uydular g r nt ler Bu listeye uydu Ekleme Silme veya uydu D zenleme yapabilirsiniz Anten kurulumu Uydu anteni ayarlar n de i tirebilir ve veya yeni bir uydu aramas ba latabilirsiniz SatcoDX lgi...

Page 28: OK tu una bas n z ve Favori Ekle Kald r se imini yap n z OK tu una yeniden bas n z stedi iniz liste se ene ini A k olarak ayarlay n z Se ilen kanallar listeye eklenecektir Favori listesinden bir v...

Page 29: ...k sm nda verilen a klamalar takip ediniz Zaman izelgesi Yak nla t rma Sar tu Etkinlikleri daha geni bir zaman aral nda g rmek i in Sar tu a bas n z Filtre Mavi tu Filtreleme se eneklerini g sterir Pro...

Page 30: ...jital teletekst bilgisini g rmek i in Text tu una bas n z Renkli tu lar imle tu lar n ve OK tu unu kullan n z Kullan m y ntemi dijital teletekstin i eri ine ba l olarak farkl l k g sterebilir Dijital...

Page 31: ...Devre D olarak se ilebilir Ethernet arac l yla ba lan yorsan z Kablolu Cihaz olarak se im yap n z nternet H z Testi nternet H z Testi se imini yap n z ve OK tu un bas n z TV internet ba lant s n n ba...

Page 32: ...ullan n z Kablosuz Cihaz Ayarlar n n Yap land r lmas A nternet Ayarlar men s n a n z ve ba lanma i lemine ba lamak i in A Tipi se imini Kablosuz Cihaz olarak yap n z TV kablosuz a lar otomatik olarak...

Page 33: ...i i yaln zca Android i letim sistemli cihazlar taraf ndan desteklenir ve YouTube ile Netflix uygulamalar yla birlikte kullan labilir Bu zelli i kullanmak i in TV ve uzak cihaz aras nda TV a k durumday...

Page 34: ...i i in internete her ba land n zda kimlik do rulamas yap l r Bu izinsiz eri ime kar bir nlemdir TV nizin kendine ait bir MAC adresi oldu undan internet servis sa lay c n z TV nizin MAC adresini do rul...

Page 35: ini prizden kar n z ve sonra yeniden tak n z Ses ve G r nt Payla m zelli i ile h zl mod ve atlama desteklenmez PC HDD Medya Oynat c s ya da uyumlu di er cihazlar daha y ksek oynat m kalitesi i in k...

Page 36: ...tir Kullan c daha sonra sa lanan ba lant lar kullanarak ba ka uygulamalara ge ebilir Uygulamalar kendilerini sonland rmak i in bir yol sa larlar bunun i in genellikle k tu u kullan l r ekil a Ba latm...

Page 37: ...ndan da eri im sa lanabilir Market uygulamas n vurgulay n z ve kullan labilir t m uygulamalar g rmek i in OK tu una bas n z stedi iniz uygulamay vurgulay n z ve OK tu una bas n z a l r bir pencere g...

Page 38: ...llikleri kullanabilmek i in modeminiz router n z nternet e ba l olmal d r NEML TV ve mobil cihaz n z n ayn a a ba l oldu undan emin olunuz Medya payla m zelli i i in Ses ve Video Payla m se ene i vars...

Page 39: ...nal listesini d zenleyebilirsiniz Kanal listesi kayna n n se imi Uygulamada kullan lacak kanal listesinin kayna n se ebilirsiniz Se enekler TV Listesi ve zel Liste dir Ayr ca se ilen kanal listesini s...

Page 40: ...OK tu una dokununuz Ses Tan ma Mikrofon simgesi zerine dokunarak uygulamalar n z Portal Portal Volume Up Down Sesi A K s Programme Up Down Program Yukar A a gibi sesli komutlarla y netebilirsiniz NOT...

Page 41: ...tu unu se iniz ve OK tu una bas n z Sonra alt men de H zl Aramaya Ekle se imini yap n z ve OK tu una yeniden bas n z Ad ve Adres ziyaret etmekte oldu unuz siteye g re otomatik olarak doldurulacakt r...

Page 42: ...1280x1024 75Hz 20 1360x768 60Hz 21 1366x768 60Hz 22 1400x1050 59Hz 23 1400x1050 60Hz 24 1400x1050 75Hz 25 1440x900 60Hz 26 1440x900 75Hz 27 1600x1200 60Hz 28 1680x1050 59Hz 29 1680x1050 60Hz 30 1920x1...

Page 43: ...pp 3gp AVI avi MKV mkv H 264 3840x2160 30fps 1080P 60fps 135Mbps FLV flv MP4 mp4 mov 3GPP 3gpp 3gp MPEG ta ma ak ts trp tp ASF asf AVI avi MKV mkv Hareketli JPEG 720P 30fps 10Mbps AVI avi 3GPP 3gpp 3g...

Page 44: ...KHz 48KHz 32Kbps 640Kbps AC3 ac3 AVI avi Matroska mkv mka 3GPP 3gpp 3gp MP4 mp4 mov m4a MPEG ta ma ak ts trp tp MPEG program ak DAT VOB MPG MPEG EAC3 32KHz 44 1KHz 48KHz 32Kbps 6 Mbps EAC3 ec3 3GPP 3g...

Page 45: ...rme kablosu DVI HDMI kablosu birlikte verilmez ile TV nizin konekt r ne ba lad n zda a a daki z n rl k bilgilerine ba vurabilirsiniz 56Hz 60Hz 66Hz 70Hz 72Hz 75Hz 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x768 12...

Page 46: ...y temizleme maddeleri b cek ila lar hava temizleyiciler ya lay c lar veya temizlik deterjanlar kullanmay n z Bu kimyasallar r n n y zeylerinin solmas na veya atlamas na ya da etiketlerin veya a klamal...

Page 47: ...san z kanal n frekans ayar do ru olmayabilir Frekans ayarlar n do ru girdi inizden emin olunuz Anten ayn anda iki harici cihaza ba lanm olabilir Cihazlardan birini ay r n z G r nt de g lgeler yans ma...

Page 48: ...niz Piller yanl tak lm olabilir Pillerin nas l tak ld n kontrol ediniz ve do ru old u undan emin olunuz Uzaktan kumanda ile TV aras nda bir engel olabilir Engeli kald r n z Giri se enekleri se ilemiyo...

Page 49: ...ger ekle tirebilirsiniz E er Enerji Tasarrufu ayar n Minimum Ortalama Maksimum veya Otomatik olarak ayarlarsan z TV ayarlanan de ere uygun bi imde enerji t ketimini d recektir E er Arka Ayd nlatma de...

Page 50: ...Sabit bir g r nt y s rekli ekranda tutmay n z 16 9 bi imini destekleyen televizyonunuzda 4 3 bi iminde video g r nt leri izlemeyiniz Kontrast ve parlakl k seviyelerini minimum d zeyde kullanmay deneyi...

Page 51: ...tad r cam n arka k sm nda e itli katmanlar bulunmaktad r E er cihaz n z n paneli ekran n k s mdan harici bir darbe al rsa d ortama en yak n olan katmanda herhangi bir atlama k r lma olmasa dahi ekran...

Page 52: c ya kar 3 A r bir masraf gerektirmedi i takdirde b t n masraflar sat c ya ait olmak zere sat lan n cretsiz onar lmas n isteme 4 mk n varsa sat lan n ay ps z bir misli ile de i tirilmesini isteme s...

Page 53: as long as you display the necessary care and maintenance We hope you enjoy using your device This product was manufactured in environmentally friendly VESTEL ELEKTRON K A facilities with no harm t...

Page 54: ...emote 61 Connect Power 61 Antenna Connection 61 Specification 61 Notification 63 Remote Control 64 Connections 66 Switching On Off 67 To Switch the TV On 67 To Switch the TV Off 67 First Time Installa...

Page 55: ...ings 81 Other Information 81 Connecting to your mobile device via WiFi 82 Wake ON 82 Wireless Display 82 Using with mobile devices 82 Connecting Other Wireless Devices 83 Connectivity Troubleshooting...

Page 56: ...Supported Picture File Formats for USB Mode 91 Supported Audio File Formats for USB Mode 92 Supported DVI Resolutions 93 Cleaning and Maintenance 94 Troubleshooting 95 Disposing Of Your Appliance and...

Page 57: ...eather storms lightning and long inactivity periods going on holiday disconnect the TV set from the mains The mains plug is used to disconnect TV set from the mains and therefore itmustremainreadilyop...

Page 58: set may fall causingseriouspersonalinjuryordeath Many injuries particularlytochildren canbeavoided by taking simple precautions such as Using cabinets or stands recommended by the manufacturer...

Page 59: ...y or mental capabilities or lack of experience and or knowledge use electrical devices unsupervised Use this TV set at an altitude of less than 2000 meters above the sea level in dry locations and in...

Page 60: ...inal package to protect from damage to its accessories during transport and shipping Keep the product in normal position during transport Do not drop the device during transport and protect it against...

Page 61: ...connectivity and service 802 11 a b g n built in WIFI Support Audio Video Sharing HbbTV High Dynamic Range HDR Hybrid Log Gamma HLG Using this feature the TV can reproduce greater dynamic range of lu...

Page 62: ...ored channels by pushing the button up or down To change source Press the middle of the button in twice for the second time in total the source list will appear on the screen Scroll through the availa...

Page 63: ...cable TV plug to the AERIAL INPUT ANT socket or satellite plug to the SATELLITE INPUT LNB socket located on the rear side of the TV Rear side of the TV satellite aerial or cable J J Specification TV B...

Page 64: ...tion required for outdoor use and public service France In door use only for 2454 2483 5 MHz Italy If used outside of own premises general author ization is required Greece In dooruseonlyfor5470MHzto5...

Page 65: ...S DTS HD the Symbol DTS or DTS HD and the Symbol together are registered trademarks of DTS Inc DTS Inc All Rights Reserved Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Dolby Dolby Audio and the...

Page 66: ...many web based applications 7 Volume 8 Directional buttons Helps navigate menus content etc and displays the subpages in TXT mode when pressed Right or Left 9 Mute Completely turns off the volume of t...

Page 67: ...t Closes and exits from displayed menus or returns to previous screen 29 Programme 30 OK Confirms user selections holds the page in TXT mode views channel list DTV mode 31 Menu Displays TV menu 32 Swa...

Page 68: use the side audio inputs with a YPbPr PC audio cable for audio connection When using the wall mounting kit available from third party in the market if not supplied we recommend that you plug all...

Page 69: ...terrestrial broadcasts after other initial settings are completed Digital Cable If Digital Cable broadcast search option is turned on the TV will search for digital cable broadcasts after other initi...

Page 70: described abow You can select to installHD or SD channels during the installation This selection can be done later too using the Preferred List option under the Installation TKGS Installation menu...

Page 71: asking whether you want to sort channels according to the LCN Select Yes and press OK to confirm LCN is the Logical Channel Number system that organizes available broadcasts in accordance with a re...

Page 72: ...back with the Play button and activate All files in the list will be continuously played in original order Start playback with the OK button and activate The same file will be played continuously repe...

Page 73: ...tputs If you want to change connected device s volume level you should select that device from the source list In that case volume control keys are directed to connected audio device NOTE ARC is suppo...

Page 74: ...lue Cool Normal Warm and Custom options are available White Point If the Colour Temp option is set as Custom this setting will be available Increase the warmth or coolness of the picture by pressing L...

Page 75: ...screen you can discover and connect the sound devices to your TV wirelessly AVL Automatic Volume Limiting Sets the sound to obtain fixed output level between programmes Headphone Lineout When you conn...

Page 76: ...egular Enhanced and Disabled options available for HDMI sources Regular and Enhanced options are affecting the colour settings of the selected HDMI source To be able to watch 4K or HDR HLG images from...

Page 77: ...Video Sharing AudioVideoSharingfeatureallowsyoutosharefilesstoredonyoursmartphoneor tablet pc Ifyouhave a compatible smartphoneor tablet pc andtheappropriatesoftwareisinstalled youcanshare playphotos...

Page 78: ...s available satellites You can Add Delete satellites or Edit satellite settings on the list Antenna installation You can change satellite anntenna settings and or start a satellite scan SatcoDX You ca...

Page 79: ...OK button again Set the desired list option to On The selected channel s will be added to the list In order to remove a channel or channels from a favourite list follow the same steps and set the desi...

Page 80: ...on Press the Yellow button to see events in a wider time interval Filter Blue button Views filtering options Highlight Genre Subtitles button Displays Highlight Genre menu Using this feature you can s...

Page 81: ...the Text button to view digital teletext information Operate it with the coloured buttons cursor buttons and the OK button The operation method may differ depending on the contents of the digital tel...

Page 82: ...ive connection to the TV set Select this as Wired Device if you are connecting via an ethernet Internet Speed Test Highlight Internet Speed Test and press the OK button TV will check the internet conn...

Page 83: ...em s SSID when there are any other modems around with the same SSID You can encounter connection problems otherwise Use a wired connection if you experience problems with a wireless connection Configu...

Page 84: necessary that both the device from which the network message will be sent to the TV and the TV are connected to the same network Wake On feature is only supported for Android OS devices and can on...

Page 85: ...TE Wireless devices may operate within the same radio frequency range and may interfere with one another To improve the performance of your wireless device place it at least 1 meter away from any othe...

Page 86: ...C If the domain is invalid this might cause problems while browsing files in Audio Video Sharing mode Using Audio Video Sharing Network Service Audio Video Sharing feature uses a standard that eases t...

Page 87: ...aring between other devices like computers NOTE There may be some PC s which may not be able to utilize the Audio Video Sharing feature due to administrator and security settings such as business PC s...

Page 88: launched with a small red button icon to notify the user that there is an HbbTV application on that channel Press the red button to open the application page After the page is displayed you can g...

Page 89: return back to the previous screen Under the Recent item recently used applications will be displayed You can use this item to access these applications quickly Under the Features item default app...

Page 90: ...change be discontinued or restricted at any time SMART RECOMMENDATION optional Smart Recommendation is an application which recommends to user TV programmes relevanttohiswatchinghabits Theapplication...

Page 91: ...on to see available page specific and general options There are various ways to search or visit websites using the web browser Enter the address of a website URL into the search address bar and highli...

Page 92: ...nconsistency with standards from the source equipment DVD Set top box etc If you do experience such a problem please contact your dealer and also the manufacturer of the source equipment PC Input Typi...

Page 93: ...3gpp 3gp AVI avi MKV mkv H 264 3840x2160 30fps 1080P 60fps 135Mbps FLV flv MP4 mp4 mov 3GPP 3gpp 3gp MPEG transport stream ts trp tp ASF asf AVI avi MKV mkv Motion JPEG 720P 30fps 10Mbps AVI avi 3GPP...

Page 94: ...Hz 44 1KHz 48KHz 32Kbps 640Kbps AC3 ac3 AVI avi Matroska mkv mka 3GPP 3gpp 3gp MP4 mp4 mov m4a MPEG transport stream ts trp tp MPEG program stream DAT VOB MPG MPEG EAC3 32KHz 44 1KHz 48KHz 32Kbps 6 Mb...

Page 95: ...s to your TV s connectors by using DVI converter cable DVI to HDMI cable not supplied you can refer to the following resolution information 56Hz 60Hz 66Hz 70Hz 72Hz 75Hz 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x...

Page 96: ...nt containing chemicals surface active agents such as thinner pesticides air freshener lubricant or cleaning detergent to the product These chemicals might cause product to fade away or crack or remov...

Page 97: ...ncy settings of the channel might be incorrect Make sure you entered frequen cy settings correctly Antenna is connected to two external devices simultaneously Disconnect either device There is shade r...

Page 98: ...ed Replace the batteries Batteries might have been inserted incorrectly Check the directions of batteries and make sure you install them correctly There might be a barrier between remote and TV Remove...

Page 99: ...s energy to help protection of environment You can follow the below steps to reduce energy consumption If you set the Energy Saving to Minimum Medium Maximum or Auto the TV will reduce the energy cons...

Page 100: ...n order to avoid this effect it is highly recommended that you follow the followings Do not watch a fixed image continuously Do not watch videos in the format of 4 3 in your television which supports...

Page 101: ...l mechanical impact The panels screens of the TFT LCS televisions are not only a piece of glass on the contrary they are composed of layers If your appliance is damaged in its panel screen which is th...

Page 102: the defect and keep the defective good against the Seller 3 To request the sold good to be repaired at the seller s expense by bringing all repair costs to the seller if such costs are not excessiv...

Page 103: ...X Tr d Y Nederlands VESAWANDMONTAGEMETINGEN Groottebooropening mm Schroefgroote Lengte X Draad Y Suomi VESA SEIN ASENNUKSEN MITAT Reik kuvionkoot mm Ruuvinkoot Pituus x Kierre Y Norsk VESAVEGGMONTERIN...

Page 104: ...k Produktinformasjon Kommersiell merkevare Produkt nr Modell nr Energieffektivitet klasse Synlig skjermst rrelse diagonal ca tommer cm Portugu s Ficha do produto Marca Comercial Produto N Modelo N Cla...

Page 105: ...ybie wy czonym Wat w Rozdzielczo obrazu pikseli Magyar Energiafogyaszt s bekapcsolva hagyott zemm dban Watt ves energiafogyaszt s kWh ves Energiafogyaszt s standby zemm dban Watt Energiafogyaszt s kik...

Page 106: ...hogy a TFT IDTV t pus r di berendez s megfelel a 2014 53 EU ir nyelvnek Az EU megfelel s gi nyilatkozat teljes sz vege el rhet a k vetkez internetes c men doc vosshub com IT Il fabbricante VESTEL Elek...

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Page 112: ...sta vmh vestel com tr WhatsApp 0536 075 4 123 Cihaz n z n T C G mr k ve Ticaret Bakanl T keticinin Korunmas ve Piyasa G zetimi Genel M d rl nce tespit ve ilan edilen kullan m mr cihaz n fonksiyonlar n...
