With the power supplies connected, the system can now be powered on. Again, note that if your
setup includes a SAN, DAS or cascade with Vess J2600 expansion, always power on the JBOD
subsystems first.
To power on the subsystem, press the Power button on the front left bracket facing (see illustration
below). Observe the LEDs on the right front bracket facing (see “Figure 28: Vess R2600 front panel
LED display on right side bracket”).
Figure 27: Vess R2600 front panel components, left side
When boot-up is finished and the Vess R2600 subsystem is functioning normally:
• Power LEDs display blue continuously.
• Global Enclosure Status, and Global RAID Status LEDs display green continuously.
• Controller Activity LED flashes blue when there is controller activity.
• System Heartbeat LED blinks blue seven times in three seconds, goes dark for six seconds,
then repeats the pattern.
Mute alarm button
Power button
USB ports
Mute alarm LED