+24 VDC Power System User Manual (Section 6013)
Rev. G
For all lists equipped with a plastic shield over the circuit breakers or fuseholders (all bullet nose
assemblies), loosen (2) screws holding the shield, slide shield upwards and remove.
Disconnect all load wiring from the circuit breaker or fuse positions. If necessary, refer to the separate
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (SECTION 6012) for connection locations.
On assemblies equipped with a ground busbar, remove all load return wiring from the ground busbar. If
necessary, refer to the separate INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (SECTION 6012) for connection
For Lists JA, JB, JC, JD, KA, LB, and LC Only: Disconnect Subsystem Input wiring (–48V) from
distribution bus assembly as shown at SUBSYSTEM INPUT JUMPERS in the appropriate detail of
For All Bullet Nose Assemblies: Remove circuit breakers and fuseholders from distribution bus
For Each GJ/218 Circuit Breaker Present: Remove circuit breaker far enough to reach alarm and
control wiring on back. Note the connection order of alarm and control wires so they can be
reconnected correctly later in the procedure. Disconnect alarm wires and, if present, shunt wires, from
back of circuit breakers. Then remove circuit breaker.
For List AJ or CJ Only: Follow shunt leads from the rear of the distribution assembly to their point of
termination. Note the order in which leads are connected. Disconnect the leads at that end. Leads will
be removed with the Distribution Buss Assembly.
For Each TPH Fuse Present: If not replacing the fuse, remove fuse carrier from the fuseholder.
Remove the fuse from the fuse carrier.
Disconnect the distribution assembly input busbar from the system busbar (two busbars on Lists AD,
AE, CE, and CF) as shown at SYSTEM BUSBAR CONNECTION in the appropriate detail of
For List ND only, remove the link busbar from the cabinet.
On assemblies equipped with a ground busbar, disconnect the distribution assembly ground busbar
from the system ground busbar (two busbars on Lists AD, AE, AL, CE, and CF) as shown at GROUND
BUSBAR CONNECTION in the appropriate detail of
For 1-Row Cabinets Only: Remove 4 screws that secure distribution assembly to cabinet. Carefully
pull distribution assembly from cabinet until the 9-pin alarm and control harness connector and mating
plug on the main system wire harness are accessible. Disconnect the connector from the plug. Remove
distribution assembly from the cabinet.
For 2-, 3-, and 4-row Distribution Cabinets Only: Remove 4 screws that secure distribution assembly
to cabinet. Remove distribution assembly.
Installing the Distribution Assembly
In the following procedure, before making busbar-to-busbar connections, apply a thin coating of
electrical anti-oxidizing compound to the mating surfaces of the busbars.
From Front:
For 1-Row Cabinets Only: Install assembly into cabinet until the 9-pin alarm and control harness
connector and mating plug on the main system wire harness can be connected. Connect the mating