6. Monitor the turbidity value.
: Particles in the water will settle over time
and show a slow downward drift in turbidity readings; therefore, take your
readings soon after placing the cuvette in the sensor.
View videos related to this product at
Calibrating the Sensor
For many experiments, calibrating the Turbidity Sensor is not required.
However, periodic calibration will provide the most accurate results. To
1. Warm up the sensor by connecting it to the software for at least five minutes
prior to use.
2. Enter the calibration routine for your data-collection program.
First Calibration Point
: Obtain the cuvette containing the Turbidity
Standard (100 NTU) and gently invert it four times to mix in any particles
that may have settled to the bottom.
: Do not shake the standard.
Shaking will introduce tiny air bubbles that will affect turbidity readings.
4. Wipe the outside of the cuvette with a soft, lint-free cloth or tissue.
5. Holding the standard by the lid, place it in the Turbidity Sensor. Align the
mark on the cuvette with the mark on the Turbidity Sensor.
These marks must be aligned whenever a reading is taken.
6. Close the lid.
7. Enter
as the value in NTU.
8. Remove the standard.
Second Calibration point
: Prepare a
by rinsing the empty cuvette
with distilled water, then filling it to the top of the line with distilled water.
: The bottom of the meniscus should be at the top of the line for
every measurement throughout this test. This volume level is critical to
obtain correct turbidity values.
10. Screw the lid on the cuvette. Wipe the outside with a soft, lint-free cloth or
11. Holding the cuvette by the lid, place it into the slot of the Turbidity Sensor.
Makec sure that the marks are aligned. Close the lid.
12. Enter
as the value in NTU. You are now ready to collect turbidity data.
13. Store the calibration by following the directions under the Storage tab
and LabQuest only).
14. You are now ready to collect turbidity data.
Specific instructions for each software platform can be found here:.
For instructions on calibration using Logger
computer software, see
For instructions on calibration using LabQuest App, see
For instructions on calibration using Graphical Analysis with a
Chromebook, see
Turbidity Sensor
(Order Code TRB-BTA)
Turbidity is a measure of water’s lack of clarity and is
an important indicator of water quality. Water with
high turbidity is cloudy, while water with low
turbidity is clear. The cloudiness is produced by light
reflecting off particles in the water; therefore, the more particles in the water, the
higher the turbidity.
Vernier products are designed for educational use. Our products are not
designed nor are they recommended for any industrial, medical, or commercial
process such as life support, patient diagnosis, control of a manufacturing
process, or industrial testing of any kind.
What's Included
Turbidity Sensor
Turbidity Accessories Kit (includes one empty cuvette and one cuvette
containing 100 NTU StablCal
Formazin Standard)
Safety Data Sheet for StablCal Formazin Standard
Compatible Software
for a list of interfaces and software
compatible with the Turbidity Sensor.
Getting Started
1. Connect the sensor to the interface (LabQuest Mini, LabQuest 2, etc.).
2. Start the appropriate data-collection software (Logger
, Logger Lite,
LabQuest App) if not already running, and choose New from File menu.
See the following link for additional connection information:
Using the Product
Collecting Data
1. Warm up the sensor by connecting it to the software for at least five minutes
prior to use.
2. Gently invert the sample water to mix in any particles that may have settled
to the bottom.
: Do not shake the sample. Shaking will introduce
tiny air bubbles that will affect turbidity.
3. Empty the distilled water from the cuvette and rinse it with sample water.
Fill the cuvette to the top of the line with sample water.
4. Screw the lid on the cuvette. Wipe the outside with a soft, lint-free cloth or
5. Hold the cuvette by the lid and place it into the Turbidity Sensor. Make sure
the marks are aligned. Close the lid.