Relative Humidity
(Order Code RH-BTA)
The Relative Humidity Sensor can be used to measure relative humidity in the air as
part of a weather station, or to do any of the following:
Monitor indoor humidity for health reasons
Optimize conditions in a greenhouse or terrarium
Determine when static electrical discharges will be a problem
Study transpiration rates of plants by monitoring relative humidity in sealed jars
containing plants
Collecting Data with the Relative Humidity Sensor
This sensor can be used with the following interfaces to collect data:
Vernier LabQuest
2 or original LabQuest
as a standalone device or with a
Vernier LabQuest
Mini with a computer
Vernier LabPro
with a computer or TI graphing calculator
Vernier Go!
Vernier SensorDAQ
Vernier EasyLink
TI-Nspire™ Lab Cradle
Here is the general procedure to follow when using the Relative Humidity Sensor:
1. Connect the Relative Humidity Sensor to the interface.
2. Start the data-collection software.
3. The software will identify the Relative Humidity Sensor and load a default data-
collection setup. You are now ready to collect data.
Data-Collection Software
This sensor can be used with an interface and the following data-collection software.
This computer program is used with LabQuest 2, LabQuest,
LabQuest Mini, LabPro, or Go!Link
Logger Lite
This computer program is used with LabQuest 2, LabQuest,
LabQuest Mini, LabPro, or Go!Link
LabQuest App
This program is used when LabQuest 2 or LabQuest is used as a
standalone device.
EasyData App
This calculator application for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus can
be used with CBL 2™, LabPro, Vernier EasyLink, CBR 2, and CBR. We
recommend version 2.0 or newer, which can be downloaded from the Vernier
web site, www.vernier.com/easy/easydata.html, and then transferred to the
calculator. See the Vernier web site, www.vernier.com/calc/software/index.html
for more information on the App and Program Transfer Guidebook.
DataMate program
Use DataMate with LabPro or CBL 2™ and TI-73, TI-83,
TI-84, TI-86, TI-89, and Voyage 200 calculators. See the LabPro and CBL 2™
Guidebooks for instructions on transferring DataMate to the calculator.
DataQuest™ Software for TI-Nspire™
This calculator application for the
TI-Nspire can be used with the EasyLink or TI-Nspire Lab Cradle.
National Instruments LabVIEW™ software is a graphical
programming language sold by National Instruments. It is used with SensorDAQ
and can be used with a number of other Vernier interfaces. See
www.vernier.com/labview for more information.
Vernier products are designed for educational use. Our products are not
designed nor recommended for any industrial, medical, or commercial process such
as life support, patient diagnosis, control of a manufacturing process, or industrial
testing of any kind.
Range: 0%
200 µA @ 5 VDC
Response Time (time for a 90% change in reading)
In still air:
60 minutes (typical)
With vigorous air movement:
40 seconds (typical)
13-bit (with SensorDAQ)
0.02% RH
12-bit (with LabPro, LabQuest 2,
LabQuest, LabQuest Mini, TI-Nspire™
Lab Cradle, Go!
Link, ULI, or SBI)
0.04% RH
10-bit (with CBL 2™)
0.16% RH
Stored calibration
Slope 30.43%/V
Specifications for the IH-3602-L Integrated Circuit Humidity Sensor (at
25°C and 5.0 VDC) are given below
Total Accuracy (with saturated salt
±2% RH
Total Accuracy (with standard calibration):
±10% RH
Operating Temperature Range:
0 to 85°C
Temperature Effect on 0%RH voltage:
±0.007% RH/°C (negligible)
Temperature Effect on 50%RH voltage:
–0.11% RH/°C
Temperature Effect on 95%RH voltage
–0.22% RH/°C