VTK-VS-BA-015e-A | User Manual MDS 3200+ Series
Product Description
Submenu “Scenario”
In the submenu “Scenario” you decide if you want to work with scenarios. You can also enter pa-
rameters for pre-defined scenarios. Each of the four potential scenarios has its own submenu,
where you can set those parameters. The structure of these submenus is explained in the second
diagram. Check there to find the possible limits for those parameters.
[arrow right]
[arrow left]
you can switch between the four scenarios.
To enter the parameters for a scenario, press
on the respective submenu “Scenario-Def.”
The structure of these submenus is explained in the picture below.
In “Sc:1.1 Setup” you can enter “0”, “1”, “2” or “3” to select a setup or “-”, to decide that no fur-
ther setup will follow. “0” is the working configuration, “1” to “3” are the parameters of the re-
spective setups 1 to 3. Then the scenario will end with this setup and the menu will stop here as
(If you later change the “-” to the number of a setup, the following setup will be unlocked
again in the menu.)
If you set the blank directly in the first setup, the system will simply use the
working configuration.
After entering a setup and
[arrow right]
, you can select the number of pulses next. This NP replac-
es the one from the setup, which would be otherwise used. Another
[arrow right]
gives the option
to enter a scenario delay. Standard value is 10 ms. Just as with the normal delay, with a heater
connected to the system the minimum scenario delay increases from 0,1 ms to 2,0 ms.
[arrow right]
brings you to the second setup in your scenario
(“Sc:1.2 Setup”)
, where you
have the same options as with the first. All in all you can combine up to ten setups
(though only
four different ones, since only setups 0 to 3 are available)
, each with its own NP and scenario delay,
unless you stop your scenario beforehand by selecting “-” instead of a setup. After the last setup,
another [arrow right] brings you the option to set the PLCStop “ON” or “OFF”. With “On” a scenar-
io always ends automatically, once the trigger signal drops to “low”. No further setups of the sce-
nario will be performed. With the PLCStop “OFF”, the trigger signal only matters, if the NP in a
setup is set as “infinite”. With these parameters will be dispensed until the trigger signal drops to
“low”. If the trigger signal is already “low” when reaching the signal, only one pulse will be shot.
Then the next setup of the scenario will follow after the scenario delay
(unless, of course, it was al-
ready the last setup of the scenario)