50-36 Operation
D20x22 Series II Navigator HDD
Step 4:
Install additional drill rod and continue pulling back until reamer reaches drill unit.
Step 5:
Remove reamer and attach trailing drill string to drill unit.
Step 6:
Attach a larger reamer, and continue until bore is completed.
Push-Through Method of Adding Drill Rod for Pre-Reaming
Step 1:
When drill head exits the pilot bore, rotate drill head to 12:00 position.
Step 2:
Continue adding more drill rods at the machine and pushing rods through the bore hole.
Step 3:
Do not rotate drill string while pushing the drill head across the ground. If needed, the extending rod
can be steered by pushing on the side of the drill string with a backhoe bucket.
Step 4:
After enough drill rod have been pushed through, use correct lockout procedures.
“Lockout Procedure - With Remote Lockout,”
“Lockout Procedure - Without Remote Lockout System,”
Wrench on rotating drill string can strike you. Death or serious injury
will result. Before installing additional drill rods and using pipe wrenches:
• Swivel must be functioning properly, and
• Machine must be locked out.
Entanglement in rotating drill string or cutters can kill. Rotating
trailed rods could whip and strike you. Do not rotate when the drill string and
cutting tool have exited the bore. Keep everyone away from the exposed drill string.