D20x22 Series II Navigator HDD
Operation 50-35
Resuming Operation
Step 1:
Verify drill rod and cutting tools are ready for operation.
Step 2:
Confirm everyone is away from the exit pit, drill string, and cutting tools, and that no wrenches are
attached to the drill string or cutting tools.
Step 3:
Warn everyone who may be exposed to the drill string or cutting tools that operation will resume.
Step 4:
Run Button
on transmitter
and hold for 2 seconds
to enable drilling operation.
Step 5:
Follow all communication requirements before resuming normal operation.
Pulling Back with Trailing Rod
Step 1:
Pull tooling up to exit hole before rotating.
Step 2:
Begin reaming.
Step 3:
Crew must watch trailing rods as they are drawn into the bore. If they rotate, the swivel must be
repaired or replaced.
Drill string and tooling can rapidly move sideways along the ground at
the exit location if rotation is started when drill rod or tooling is on the ground, away
from the exit hole. The larger the diameter of the reamer and the more drill string
exposed the faster and further the reamer and drill string can travel. Death or
serious injury will occur if anyone is entangled or struck by drill string or tooling.
Pull tooling up to exit hole before rotating. Everyone must be well away from exposed
drill string and tooling before rotation is started.