40-10 Preparation
D20x22 Series II Navigator HDD
Electrocution Prevention
Electrocution is possible. Serious injury or death may result if the drilling tool strikes an energized power line.
Refer to the operating instructions, and take the following precautions to prevent electrocution:
Call your One-Call system, and any utility company that does not subscribe to the One-Call system, before
the start of your drilling project. Locate underground utilities by qualified persons.
When drilling operation approaches the estimated location of a utility, the exact location of the
underground installation must be determined by safe and acceptable means.
Always wear the necessary electrically insulated gloves and boots that are required for each job function.
Refer to “Electrically Insulated Gloves” and “Electrically Insulated Boots” on the following pages.
Never stand on the ground and touch metal parts on drilling unit or water truck when operating.
If a strike occurs, never leave the cab and step off the machine.
Anyone standing on the catwalk for the drill rack must never step off the catwalk if electric strike occurs.
Never step onto the machine if electrical strike occurs.
Always test Strike Alert system before the start of every bore. Refer to “Strike Alert System - Test,”
Never operate if Strike Alert system is not in operation and tested.
Disconnect from public water supply before drilling where electrical cables may be buried.
If a strike occurs while you are touching the ground, you could be electrocuted when your body becomes a direct
current path to the ground. Keep feet on the foot platform.
Anyone assisting the operator while standing on the ground during the bore must wear electrically insulated
gloves and boots.
The drilling tool locator must wear electrically insulated boots. The ground may become electrically charged if a
strike occurs.