Operation and maintenance manual Verdegro Blade
Post impact protocol
There are too many different types of impact that can happen during roadworks on the
highway, so the protocol listed below is for overall crashes. Be aware that if the law or
Government prescribes other action, or if some actions are prohibited, you have to follow
their rules; this is just a guideline.
Please always be sure you keep your mind at your work, even if you are shocked.
If your TMA truck is hit by another vehicle then:
Look around and check if it is safe to get out of your truck as soon as possible, in
case of a possible fire.
Call the alarm number
BLADE cuts aluminum into pieces, so there can be sharp edges
There can be glass around from the impacting vehicle
Take a look at the driver of the car and tell him not to panic and that emergency
services are on their way
Once you have a green light to leave the accident scene, try to fold up the TMA
(100% up is good but not required). Retracting it might not be possible
Check if there are no parts of BLADE touching the ground or the moving parts of
your truck
Drive with hazard lights on, or under supervision, to the nearest by parking
Couple off your blade by using the jacks
Wait at your BLADE until it is picked up with a crane. If you are not able to wait,
set a marker on it to aware other people of the sharp edges!
Drive away with your truck, if it is able to safely drive on the road, note that the
driving height may be altered after impact (TMA can be extended and can create
more height).
Always take care of sharp edges on the impacting vehicle or BLADE!
This is a guideline, and no requirements
The law will always overrule this guideline