Chapel Lane, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 4BG
t: +44 (0) 1494 448000 w: verco.co.uk
DOC ID: AI_0064
Step 1
The Booth assembly consists of two assembled
end frames, three linking rails, link curtain and
fixing screws.
Stand the assembled end frames in position
using a linking rail for distance in the room to
check positioning before assembly.
Step 2
Remove the two bolts and washers for the mid-
dle linking rail on both end frames. Discarding
the washers.
Step 3
Using the removed bolts, connect the middle
linking rail to both end frames.
Step 4
Remove the bolts and washers for the top link-
ing rail on the uprights, discard the washers.
Secure the top rail to one end frame.
Step 5
Thread the top* of the curtain along the top
rail, and secure the rail to the other end frame.
Check the rail is visible on the inside of the
booth. See below.
* the top Loop on the curtain is smaller than
the bottom loop