www.velocitydetection.com Doc: GLT-322-7-25 Issue: 001 Date: 22/06/2021
Multi-Tap Speaker
The ZT-SSP-15 is a 15 watt multi-tap speaker for indoor and outdoor use.
The speaker power input and sound output level is adjusted using a rotary switch on the bottom of the unit which
allows multiple power settings for either 25v or 70v input signals.
The mounting bracket of the ZT-SSP-15 speaker allows directional adjustment of the unit in the vertical and horizontal
planes as shown.
Input Voltage: 25 or 70 Vrms speaker circuit
AC coupled, for use with DC supervised audio circuits
30 VDC Maximum Supervisory Voltage
Output SPL:
107dB on axis at 10ft
105.8dB anechoic at 10ft
108dB reverberant at 10ft
Connections: 2 binding screws with plates for
14AWG maximum wire size
8”W x 10”H x 10”D
5 Pounds
The ZT-SSP-15 can be mounted to any flat surface using the 3 holes
in the bracket as shown. After the unit is secure, use the wing nut
on the mounting bracket to adjust the direction of the speaker.
Mount the unit with the projector at 90 degrees
(horizontal) or facing down. Do not mount where the
projector can fill with water or other foreign objects.
The supporting surface must take into account the
weight, wind load, and applicable codes and standards.
Audio circuit:
Connect the audio input pair to terminals 1 and 2 as shown above.
The polarity on the audio connections is for reference only.
Connect the audio pair to the next device or the End of Line Resistor (EOLR) on
Directional Characteristics