Argus Encoder Family Version 2.6 API Developer’s Guide
Software Requirements
Component Summary
The goal of this API set is to give you, the developer, a binary-independent,
easy-to-control interface to the Argus encoder family. We have implemented the
encoder software on the Windows 2000 and NT platforms as a set of COM
(Component Object Model) components. Using version 2.3 or later of the API,
you are required to create only a single COM object, one derived from the Fil-
terManager interface. FilterManager, in turn, controls all of the subordinate
COM components for you.
In preparing to encode a clip, your application must set a number of encoding
parameters. In earlier versions of the Argus API, these parameters were set using
a combination of three methods: by loading from the Windows Registry, by read-
ing from the ArgusConfig.txt configuration file, and by calling a
method. In version 2.3 and later versions of the API, you can (and should)
set all encoding properties through the Windows Registry. (See Appendices A and
B listings of Argus Registry keys.)
The FilterManager interface is easy to use, exposing just a handful of core meth-
ods or commands: Initialize, Load, Cue, Start, Stop, Pause, Resume, and Reset.
Executables that can be used to install
the latest version of the ODBC DLLs
required to run EDL Editor, version 2.6.
C:\Program Files\Vela
System DLL required to support
RemoteStore component.
Sbe.exe (Win 2K)
Sbencode.exe (Win 2K)
Sbetest.exe (Win 2K)
Applications that can be used to diag-
nose problems with encoder hardware
or microcode. Used with Windows 2000.
C:\Program Files\Vela
Encode.exe (Win NT)
Ibmtest.exe (Win NT)
Vt32s.exe (Win NT)
Applications that can be used to diagnose
problems with encoder hardware or
microcode. Used with Windows NT 4.0.
C:\Program Files\Vela
System DLLs for ATL and MFC.
Argus SDK Included Files (includes Spectrum files) (Continued)
File Description
Table 1-1. Argus Encoder SDK Included Files (Continued)