9 Internal Position
201 SD780 Series Servo Technical Manual
stored. When the execution of the position segment currently being executed by the multi segment
PR instruction is completed, the stored position instruction segment is executed immediately.. The
remaining unexecuted position command segments of multiple positions will be discarded and no
longer executed. The multi-segment storage function is shown in the following figure:
Multi-segment storage diagram
As shown in the figure above, the first position command is a multi-segment position command,
and there are 5 position command segments. During operation, when the multi-segment position
command is executed to the third position, a new position command value is inserted through an
external trigger. The command does not set the interrupt function for the newly inserted position,
so when the execution of the third position instruction of the previous multi segment position
instruction series is completed, the newly inserted position instruction value is executed. The fourth
and fifth position command values of the multi-segment position command series will no longer be
9.4.5 Overlapping Storage Function
When the previous position command is set to overlap the function, during the operation of the
position command, if a new position command is inserted through an external trigger, and under
the situation that there is no interrupt function in the new position command, when the previous
position command execute to the deceleration point position, start to read the stored position
command value, and plan the stored position command value in an overlapping manner. The
overlapping storage function is shown in the following figure:
Overlapping storage diagram
As shown in the figure above, the first position command sets the overlap function, and the new
position command is inserted by external trigger during operation. When the new position
command is not set to interrupt, the newly received position command is temporarily stored. At the
first position when the command runs to the deceleration point position, it is judged that the first
position command overlap function is turned on. At this time, the value of the temporarily stored