1 For your safety
VEGASON 62 • Foundation Fieldbus
1.6 NAMUR recommendations
NAMUR is the automation technology user association in the process
industry in Germany. The published NAMUR recommendations are
accepted as the standard in field instrumentation.
The device fulfils the requirements of the following NAMUR recom
NE 21 – Electromagnetic compatibility of equipment
NE 43 – Signal level for fault information from measuring transduc-
NE 53 – Compatibility of field devices and display/adjustment
For further information see www.namur.de.
1.7 Environmental instructions
Protection of the environment is one of our most important duties.
That is why we have introduced an environment management system
with the goal of continuously improving company environmental pro-
tection. The environment management system is certified according
to DIN EN ISO 14001.
Please help us fulfil this obligation by observing the environmental
instructions in this manual:
Chapter "
Packaging, transport and storage
Chapter "