3 Product description
SOLITRAC 31 • Profibus PA
The shielding for PROTRAC detectors is a mechanical protection
shield to reduce the influence of external radiation on the sensor. This
is the case, for example, with external radiation sources, background
radiation or other radiometric measuring systems.
3.5 Corresponding source container
A radioactive isotope in a suitable source holder is the prerequisite for
a radiometric measurement setup.
The handling of radioactive substances is regulated by law. The radia-
tion protection rules of the country in which the system is operated
apply first and foremost.
In Germany, for example, the current radiation protection ordinance
(StrlSchV) based on the Atomic Energy Law (AtG) applies.
The following points are important for measurement with radiometric
A handling permit is required for operation of a system using gamma
rays. This permit is issued by the respective government office or the
responsible authority (in Germany, for example, offices for environ-
mental protection, trade supervisory boards, etc.)
You can find further instructions in the operating instructions manual
of the source container.
When handling radioactive sources, unnecessary radiation exposure
must be avoided. An unavoidable radiation exposure must be kept as
low as possible. Take note of the following three important measures:
Fig. 3: Measures for protection against radioactive radiation
1 Shielding
2 Time
3 Distance
: Provide good shielding between the source and your-
self as well as all other persons. Special source containers (e.g.
VEGASOURCE) as well as all materials with high density (e.g. lead,
iron, concrete, etc.) provide effective shielding.
: Stay as short a time as possible in radiation exposed areas.
: Your distance to the source should be as large as possible.
The local dose rate of the radiation decreases in proportion to the
square of the distance to the radiation source.
Handling permit
General instructions for
radiation protection