Vega NB-15 / User Manual
Revision 02 – 28 April 2021
Firstly, it is necessary to install SIM into slot on the board and set up the data transmitting
with “Vega NB-IoT Configurator” (See part 4).
Vega NB-15 modem can be powered from either an external power source or built-in
battery. To operate from the built-in battery, you must connect the battery connector to the
one of power connectors on the board which XP7 or XP6 marked. In case of operation with
two batteries you should use both connectors.
After power supplying the device loading and sleeps until the communication session
according with the schedule.
If you need to test the data transmitting, then press and hold the INIT button for the 2
The modem can be adjusted with the "Vega NB-IoT Configurator" application through
the USB connection (See part 4).
Before connecting the device to the computer for the first time, you must install the
driver for the COM port stsw-stm32102, which can be downloaded from
. After
running the executable file VCP_V1.4.0_Setup.exe, the installer window will appear:
Connectors for
Location of the SIM
slot on the board