Vega LM-1 / User Manual
Revision 05
The "Device info" tab displays information about the device, its current status, and the
data needed to register the device in the LoRaWAN network.
ABP info - displays the data necessary to register the device in the LoRaWAN network
with ABP method (Activation By Personalization).
OTAA info - the data required to register the device in the LoRaWAN network with
OTAA method (Over The Air Activation) is displayed.
Key management (not displayed in the "Simple" mode) - allows you to change the
factory keys to register the device on the network, and reset the keys back to the factory
Device info - the configurator reads information about the device model, its firmware
and automatically corrects the device's time when connected to it.
Update firmware - allows you to select the firmware file from your computer's hard
drive and load it into the device. The device will automatically disconnect from the
configurator when the download is complete. The current version of the device firmware can
be download from
Network info - shows whether the device is connected to the LoRaWAN network and
its network address.