DI-1000 digital inspection scope
DI-1000MPO multi-fiber and single fiber inspection scope
DI-3000 Wi-Fi Autofocus digital inspection scope The Importance of Fiber Connector Inspection
Dirty or scratched connectors introduce loss, increase ORL and/or damage other connectors (Losses becomes more critical at higher data
rates). End-face contamination is responsible for 70-80% fiber link failures in data centers, corporate networks, MSOs and Telecom
Fiber Inspection Scopes provide a focused image of the fiber optics connector’s end face, focusing on the contact areas (prone to loss or
damage by mating). Images, visual inspection and automated tools are often used to grade the health and cleanliness of connectors, after
polishing or cleaning and before being used. Connecting the Fiberscope
As of July 2019, all Fiberscope software options are now provided as standard (free license)
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