ZigBee PAN (Personal Area Network) communication protocol is based on standard IEEE 802.15.4. It is used for low-power
and low-bandwidth uses, often used in home automation, industrial, or medical devices. It operates in the 2.4 GHz
frequency band with a spectrum width of 5 MHz.
ZigBee Signature
9.5 Waterfall Graph
The Waterfall View displays the frequency spectrum over time for the frequencies in the 2.4 GHz and the 5 GHz frequency bands.
The color scale represents the signal strength. The waterfall view is particularly useful to detect intermittent interference or
interference where frequency changes over time (hopping).
The x-axis displays the WiFi channel number. In the 2.4 GHz frequency band: channels 1 to 13. In the 5 GHz frequency
band: channels 36 to 165. For more information on WiFi channels refer to section
The y-axis displays the timestamp. The screen displays 2 minutes of spectrum.
The signal’s strength is indicated by the color.
Blue color data points indicate very low signal level.
Green color data points indicate low signal level.
Yellow color data points indicate moderate signal level.
WiFiAirExpertSeries_eManual_D07-00-120P_Rev A00