TLS-IB Site Prep Manual
Mounting the TLS-IB
Figure 24. Epoxy Sealing probe Field Connections
Mounting the TLS-IB
Figure 12 illustrates recommended TLS-IB mounting. Install the TLS-IB fastening devices to the mounting surface using
the hole pattern (6.7 x 5.7 inches) shown in Figure 12 on page 14. Mounting screws up to 3/16-inch diameter may be
Mount the TLS-IB to the mounting surface using the four mounting flanges on the back of the unit. Install ducting or
conduit between the TLS-IB and the power panel. Figure 12 shows the three designated knockouts (one each on top, left
side, and bottom) through which power wiring can safely enter the TLS-IB.
To console
Tie wrap
Wire nuts
From probe,
sensor, or
Make sure that
the ends of cable
sheathing are sub-
merged in sealant
NOTE: When temperature is below 50˚F (10˚C), keep
resin in a warm place prior to mixing (e.g., in an
inside pocket next to body).
1. Open epoxy sealant package, and remove resin pak.
2. Holding resin pak as shown in A, bend pak along long
3. As shown in B, firmly squeeze the RED SIDE of the
resin, forcing it through the center seal and into
4. Mix thoroughly to a uniform color by squeezing
contents back and forth 25-30 times.
5. Squeeze mixed, warm resin into one end of bag and
cutoff other end.
6. Slowly insert wiring connections into sealing pack
until they fit snugly against the opposite end as
shown in C.
7. Twist open end of bag and use tie wrap to close it off
and position the tie wrapped end up until the resin