TLS-450 Setup and Operation Screens Manual
Bytes Transmitted
This column contains the number of bytes transmitted since the counter was reset.
Parity Errors
This column contains the number of parity errors since the counter was reset.
Overrun Errors
This column contains the number of overrun errors since the counter was reset.
Framing Errors
This column contains the number of framing errors since the counter was reset.
Break Interrupts
This column contains the number of break interrupts since the counter was reset.
Counter Reset Date and Time
This column contains the date and time you last reset this card's counters.
Control Buttons (right of screen)
Touch this button to scroll the data area to the right to view additional columnar data.
Show Details
Touch a comm card's entry (row) in the screen and then touch this button to open a report showing the
comm number and detailed diagnostic data.
Reset Counters
Touch a comm card's entry (row) in the screen and then touch this button to reset the counters for this
card's comm port.