TLS-450 Setup and Operation Screens Manual
Days Before Periodic Alarm
Allowable selections: 0 - 30 days
Default: 30 days
Annual Test Needed Warning
Annual Test Needed Warning, when enabled, informs you that a line will soon be out of compliance
because an Annual test has not completed within the required time. The Annual Test Warning lets you
take action (shut down the line) to see that an Annual test is completed.
Allowable selections: Disabled, Enabled
Default: Disabled
Days Before Annual Warning
Allowable selections: 0 - 365 days
Default: 355 days
Days Before Annual Alarm
Allowable selections: 0 - 365 days
Default: 365 days
Precision Test Delay (hours)
Entering a non-zero value in this field enables the time to wait or extend between a passed periodic and
annual test and running the next line test(s). Note: In previous TLS consoles this was referred to as
Precision Test Duration.
Allowable selections: 12 to 744 hours
Default selection: 12 hours
Note: when CSLD is enabled for the tank assigned to the line, a minimum value of 60 hours is used
internally when the precision test delay value is less than 60.
0.1 gph (0.38 lph) Line Test Auto Confirm
Enabling this feature causes the console to evaluate several 0.1 gph (0.38 lph) line tests before a result is
posted. Enabling Auto Confirm reduces the risks of false test results, however it extends the time that it
may take to post 0.1 gph (0.38 lph) line test results.
Allowable selections: Disabled, Enabled
Default: Enabled
0.2 gph (0.76 lph) Line Test Auto Confirm
Enabling this feature causes the console to evaluate several 0.2 gph (0.76 lph) line tests before a result is
posted. Enabling Auto Confirm reduces the risks of false test results, however it extends the time that it
may take to post 0.2 gph (0.76 lph) line test results.
Allowable selections: Disabled, Enabled
Default: Enabled