Serial Interface Manual
TLS4/TLS-450 Monitoring Systems
Part No. 577013-950, Revision L
Function Code:
Version 1
Function Type:
Extended Sensor Status Report – Date/Time Based
Command Format:
1. TT -Device Number (Decimal, 00=all)
2. RR - Report Type (Report Type should always be given. The rest of the
parameters are optional following the rules below.)
00=Sensor Status Report (for Active Sensor Alarms and Normal
Sensor Status as of the time of the request)
01=Sensor Status History Report (for Sensor Alarms and Normal
Sensor Status for the specified Time Period)
3. NN - Device Type (If no Device Type is given or it’s zeroes, it assumes request
is for All Device Types as below. Request for All Device Types are only
allowed when the request is for All Device Numbers (TT=00))
03=Liquid Sensor
04=Vapor Sensor
07=Ground Water Sensor
08=Type A (2-Wire CL) Sensor
12=Type B (3-Wire CL) Sensor
59=MAG Sensor
4. yymmddhhmm - Starting Date/Time (If no start date/time is given or either Year,
Month or Day are zeroes, it assumes request is for most recent
records. If no start date/time is given, then the request is
limited by the Maximum Records (below)). Ranges are as follows:
yy=Year(01 – 99, for Years 2001-2099)
mm=Month (01 – 12, for Months January to December)
dd=Day (01 – 31, however, validity depends on Month)
hh=Hour (00 – 23)
mm=Minute (00 – 59)
5. YYMMDDHHMM - Ending Date/Time (If no end date/time is given or either Year,
Month or Day are zeroes, it assumes request is for records
starting from start date/time as evaluated above, limited by the
Maximum Records (below)). Ranges are the same as for the Start
Date/Time fields.
6. nnn - Maximum Records – 1 - 999 (Absolute Maximum) (Decimal). (If no Maximum
Records is given or it’s zeroes, it assumes request is for records
starting from start date/time, ending by end date/time, and limited by the
Maximum Records Default of 100)