Line Leak Test Lockout
The line leak detection system cannot test a line when AC power to the submersible pump is shut off. Since the
line leak system automatically attempts to conduct a test whenever it receives a signal that the dispenser is off, it is
necessary to lock out line tests when the station or fueling site is shut down and submersible pump power is off. In
some areas, regulations prohibit leaving power to submersibles switched On during hours when the site is
The Line Leak Test Lockout function provides a flexible means of locking out line leak tests in accordance with
business hours. This feature sets lockout times for VLLD, WPLLD, and PLLD leak detection systems.
Selecting the Line Leak Test Lockout Function
To select Line Leak Test Lockout Setup, press FUNCTION until you see the message:
Press STEP to continue.
Lockout Schedule
The Lockout schedule identifies the hours not to run line leak tests for the station. There are two types of
schedules for test lockouts: Daily and Individual.
A Daily schedule allows you to enter a Lockout Start Time and Lockout Stop Time. The lockout period will begin
and end at these times every day of the week. Note: By using a Daily schedule and entering the same Start and
Stop Times, you can lock out the line leak test function 24 hours per day. This accommodates vacation shutdowns.
An Individual schedule allows you to enter seven separate lockout periods to provide varying lockout schedules.
You may program each lockout period with a Start Day and Time, and a Stop Day and Time. For example, lockouts
1 through 5 could be programmed to lock out the line leak test each day from Monday through Friday to
accommodate hours when the fueling site is not operating at night. Lockout 6 could be programmed to lock out
the test from Friday night to Monday morning if the site is closed for the weekend.
IMPORTANT! If lockout schedules are programmed incorrectly, the line leak tests may not run. Make sure you have
programmed the settings correctly.
Daily Schedule
Once you have selected the Line Leak Test Lockout Setup function, press STEP to display the message:
To accept the daily schedule, press STEP. The system displays the message: