Appendix A
TLS-450PLUS Setup For IQ Control Box Monitoring
Figure A-12. RJ Control Box Setup Screen - Unit 1 Example
2. Touch the Enable button and enter a label for this RJ box to identify which STP it controls (e.g., RJ 1 - reg unld
tnk 1-4).
3. Select address from drop down menu.
4. Select the remaining Pump Controllers to label and enter addresses for each.
DB Backup
1. After setting up the RJ Control Feature insert the V-R Backup thumb drive into one of the two USB ports on
the USB ports in the console Comm bay (slot 5).
2. From the Home Screen touch
Menu > Software Upgrade > DB Backup
to view the Database Backup
Screen. Touch the down arrow in the
Backup Destination
field to select the thumb drive.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to backup the TLS-450PLUS console data A perform a DB backup.