5 Control Connector (15 pin SUB-D Jack)
12 / 41
For continuous periodical trigger the pulse must be at least 100µs and the periodic time exact
24.96ms ±10µs.
1 k
opto coupler
pin 11
pin 10
The current which flows through the
opto coupler should at least amount to
5 mA and should not exceed 20 mA.
As a further trigger input line the camera control signal CC1 is available. The two trigger sources are
internally combined with an OR gate.
Sensor Temperature too Low (Pin 12, 13)
+ 12 V
The current which flows through the opto
coupler should not exceed 20 mA
(at 12 V R
opto coupler
Pin 13
Pin 12
As long as the sensor operating temperature is too low, the sensor control output at pin 12/13 remains
active (transistor switched on). Following the warm up phase of the camera this output becomes
An indication of sensor temperature being too low results in a degradation of image quality and
inexact temperature measurement. In case that this control output will not become inactive after some
minutes of operation the ambient air temperature of the camera might be too low. A heat up of the
camera should resolve this.
Sensor Temperature too High (Pin 14)
Voltage Logical
0.8 V
Sensor temperature too high
> 4.0 V
Normal operation
An indication of sensor temperature being too high results in a degradation of image quality and
inexact temperature measurement. In case that this control output is permanently active already after
some minutes of operation, the environment temperature of the camera might be too high. A sufficient
cooling of the camera is obligatory, for ideal results the camera temperature should be lower than
Frame-Sync Output (Pin 15)
1 line (80 µs)
5 Vss (no load)
312 lines (24.96 ms)
The frame-sync output (active low) supplies approx. 900 mV at a termination with 75 Ohms.
VDS Vosskühler GmbH