6 Volt Battery Charger/Maintainer/Conditioner
Quick-Start Instructions for BatteryMINDer
Use ONLY after reading full Safety Instructions located inside.
1. Plug battery clip assembly (supplied) into
mating plug at end of
BM output cord OR
attach Ring Terminal Assembly (supplied)
to your battery’s terminals (Red + Blue -)
2. Attach battery clips to posts or terminal
clamps of battery (Red + Black -) (Green
indicator will light when proper connection
is made)
3. Plug
BM into AC electrical outlet.
(Red indicator lites up)
4. Allow 72 hours MAXIMUM (1 - 4 batteries)
for Green indicator to blink (If Green
indicator does not blink within 72 hours
Press de-sulphation button)
(blinking = full charge with battery in
maint desulphation mode)
(blinking will continue indefinitely, until
disconnected from battery)
Note: RED indicator will remain lit when plugged into
live ac electrical outlet. It
should never go out, unless
outlet is switched off or
BM has failed
You have purchased the number #1 rated “Computer Chip” charg-
er / maintainer / conditioner with both Auto-Float Control™ and the
newest technological innovation Pulse Mode™ Circuitry. Although
designed primarily for use with flooded electrolyte -maintenance
type lead acid batteries, including marine deep cycle, it can be
used effectively with ALL maintenance-free types as well. Please
carefully follow these special instructions and the standard safety
and operating instructions for both maximum safety and complete
performance satisfaction.
Note: If your battery does not have a “resting”* voltage of
it cannot be charged or de-sulphated. (*Resting
voltage = Voltage in a battery that has not been charged or
discharged within 8 hours MINIMUM).
It is extremely important that you determine the state of your bat-
tery’s “Health” before attempting to re-charge and re-condition your
battery. If any of your cells are shorted ( no reading on the hydrom-
eter tester) or the difference in charge level is greater than 0.50 SG
between any 2 cells (= 2 ball difference using the hydrometer
tester supplied ), your battery cannot be properly re-charged / re-
conditioned. Discard the battery in an appropriate, lawful manner.
Do not attempt to connect or charge ANY battery with the
Charger / Maintainer / Conditioner before testing
your battery in accordance with the following: Your battery must not
be charged or dis-charged for a minimum of 10 hrs. Testing a bat-
tery which has not been at “rest” for 10 hrs. min. will result in inac-
curate readings.
Maintenance / Maintenance Free lead acid batteries
(with filler caps or manifold type covers)
remove all 3 caps or both manifold type covers from
your battery. Carefully check water / electrolyte level. If level is now
or has ever been below top of plates, severe lead plate
“Sulphation” has taken place. Significant re-charge / re-condition-
ing time (weeks to months) will be needed to re- store those plates
to a condition were they can be expected to function normally.
Refill each cell with Distilled Water Only to a level of 1/4” minimum
over the top of the cell’s plates. Recharge the battery using
to ensure it is slowly and completely charged
before determining its condition. If
fails to “blink”
within 72 hours, your battery may be to far gone to be re-condi-
tioned. However, to be sure press the de-sulphation button to set
the unit in the PulseMode. Allow battery to remain in this mode for
minimum of 72 hrs
. before testing for “dead cells”, using the
special Hot / Cold calibrated Hydrometer Tester supplied. Here is
what to do:
NOTE: Read Tester Instructions carefully for best most accurate
Fill the Tester to a level sufficient to “float” all of the “balls”. Note the
number of balls which float in each of the 3 cells. If no balls float in
a cell, you can consider the cell to be “shorted”. Your battery is
beyond the point of being properly re-charged or re-conditioned.
Dispose of battery. If each cell “floats” 2 or more balls your battery
can be re-conditioned. Simply leave
connected to
your battery at all times it is not in actual use, year-round. Your
unit’s special high frequency-current pulses will continue to bom-
bard the crystallized sulfuric acid, which has become deposited on
your battery’s cell plates.
NOTE: You cannot over de-sulphate your battery
Read these special instructions before attempting to desulphate your battery.