User Guide
Vayyar Confidential
Page 8 of 19
Chapter 2
System Overview
System Architecture
The V60G-HOME-I system may be operating with a host-PC and dedicated control and imaging SW
and GUI (for example an “EVK” architecture), or by running an imaging engine on a dedicated DSP
embedded into the proprietary VYYR7201_CTPB4 chips and using a dedicated API to extract the
processing outputs (“embedded architecture”), or any combination of the two.
An “EVK” architecture and connectivity scheme is illustrated in the figure below.
Figure 1: V60G-HOME-I “EVK” System Architecture
The “EVK” V60G-HOME-I system is comprised of the following components:
The V60G-HOME-I RF Sensor module.
The EVK Engine. Host software that performs signal processing functions. The software
runs in a command window in a PC, which is connected to the V60G-HOME-I Sensor via a
USB cable.