Vehicle care
Battery standby mode
In order to protect the 12 V vehicle
battery, it is possible to activate the
battery standby mode.
1. Switch off engine.
2. Press the red button, then turn key
to position BATT.
The battery goes into standby
mode approx. 7 minutes later. In
this time period the vehicle should
be left and locked by using the
remote control.
Ensure that all vehicle electrical
systems are deactivated.
When the battery is in standby
mode, the driver's door can only
be unlocked by unlocking the
mechanical lock.
After a battery standby, several
settings of the infotainment system
(e.g. time, date, radio stations, etc.)
are memorised.
1. Turn key to position MAR.
2. Turn key briefly to position AVV to
start the engine.
Starting the engine
End-of-life vehicle recovery
Information on end-of-life vehicle
recovery centres and the recycling of
end-of-life vehicles is available on our
website, where legally required. Only
entrust this work to an authorised
recycling centre.