ProStar 325 UV-Vis Detector Control Manual
28 -
Peak Sensor Functions
This section describes the two different functions that activate
the Peaksense relay of the Varian ProStar 325 UV-Vis
Detector. These functions are named Time slice and Pulse
Time Slice Function
The Time Slice function is used when you want to partition a
selected peak into a number of segments. At the completion of
each segment, the sample collector is advanced to the next
sample vial by the Peaksense Relay.
The Time Slice function can be triggered (turned On or Off) by
time programming. When the Trigger parameter, corresponding
to this function is On, the Peaksense relay is activated initially,
and thereafter for a specified time interval expressed in
seconds entered under the Period field. The Peaksense relay is
activated when the Trigger state changes (from On to Off, or
Off to On).
Time Slice triggered by Time