Technical Manual: TM50567
Optica 30/40/50 series
Revision: 4.0
Date of release: 2018-12-06
Specifications and accessories
This chapter gives specifications (technical and product label information) and information about
available accessories.
Technical specifications
Stainless steel, aluminium, copper, lead, brass, leaded
bronze, plastics (ABS)
Power source
24 V DC ± 10%
Power consumption
35 VA (Optica 30/50 series only)
80 VA (Optica 40 series only)
X-ray rating up to
150 kVp
Stationary equipment for radiography and fluoroscopy
Square field multilayer
Mounting plane distance from focus
80 ± 1 mm
Aluminum equivalent contribution to
total filtering
(X-ray beam = 75 kV)
Min. Al 1.2 mm
Additional Filtration
(X-ray beam = 75 kV;
EN60601-1-3: §7.3, §7.5)
1 mm Al + 0.1 mm Cu
1 mm Al + 0.2 mm Cu
Combined 2 mm Al + 0.3 mm Cu
Manual selection and remote control (both motorized)
CF002 configuration only
Confinement of extra-focal radiation
(Set focus distance, SID 1 m;
EN 60601-2-54: §203.8.4)
< 150 mm
Square X-ray field selection
Min: 00 x 00 cm
Max: 48 x 48 cm (± 1 % at 1 m SID )
(to reach 43 x 43 cm at 90 cm SID )
Motor controlled shutters
Motor controlled additional filtering
CF002 configuration only
CF002 configuration only
Knobs for manual setting
30/40 Series only
Input for additional setting
Remote control (CAN-bus)
Touch screen (
40 Series only
Light field source
White power LED
Timer and control to limit light source
exposure time to prevent overheating
(default 20 sec, adjustable)
Light field indicator illumination
(Illumination at 1m from the focus,
Field size at 35 x 35 cm;
EN 60601-2-54: §
≥ 230 lx, at 100 % power setting of light field source