Technical Manual: TM50567
Optica 30/40/50 series
Revision: 4.0
Date of release: 2019-01-23
Aluminum equivalent
The Aluminum equivalent (or ATTENUATION EQUIVALENT) can be found on the product label. The
location of the product label can be found in §9.2. The ATTENUATION EQUIVALENT is expressed in
[mm] aluminum.
Restrictions on use
RF communication devices should be kept at a minimum distance of 30 cm. Otherwise the
performance of the device can be negatively influenced.
Essential Performance
The Optica 30/40/50 series does not have essential performance.
Applied parts
The Optica 30/40/50 series do not have applied parts.
Known contraindication(s)
Contraindications of the X-ray system continue to apply (see X-ray system documentation).
Additional the Optica 30/40/50 series introduces matter in the primary X-ray beam which primarily
results in additional X-ray scatter. Additional X-ray scatter causes a radiation risk. The Optica 30/40/50
series is mitigating the radiation risk by shielding the additional scatter and limiting the size of the
primary X-ray beam and also confining the scatter generated from the X-ray tube (housing).
Electrical safety classification
Class I
IEC 60601-1
Applied Part
Not applicable
IEC 60601-1
Mode of operation
Continuous operation
IEC 60601-1
Ingress protection classification
IEC 60529
Laser classification
Class 1 / Class 2 (optional
IEC 60825-1
Field light classification
Risk Group 2
IEC 62471
Not intended for use in Oxygen Rich environment.
Not suitable for Sterilization.