14401 Keil Road NE, Aurora, Oregon, USA 97002
PHONE 503-678-6545
FAX 503-678-6560
SD-SB-SL Template R6.4 12/11/20 VAD-10009
Date Released:
October 21, 2021
October 21, 2021 (Rev 2, made SB mandatory; removed
the original option for ongoing inspections)
June 30th, 1999 (Rev 1)
Date Effective:
October 21, 2021
verhead (“suspended”) rudder pedals for the RV-6 and
RV-6A are cracking and need to be replaced or
reinforcement gussets need to be installed
Affected Models:
RV-6, RV-6A
Required Action:
Replace or reenforce all affected WD-655-L/R rudder
pedals with gussets
Time of Compliance:
Before further flight
Supersedes Notice:
Revises and replaces SB 99-06-01 Rev 1
Labor Required:
6.0 Hours
(Note this number is highly dependent on the
configuration of the RV-6, the presence of a center
console, or other unique features that may inhibit the
removal and subsequent installation of WD-655-L/R)
Level of Certification:
Check the rules of the local controlling authority/agency
and the operating limitations for your aircraft
There have been several cases of welds breaking on the overhead-style rudder pedals
(WD-655L and WD-655R) used in the RV-6/6A. These breaks usually occur where the
upright tubes from the pedal connect to the torque tube that runs across the fuselage.
The forward side of the torque tube fails in compression, allowing the aft side of the
torque tube to tear.
n’s Aircraft, Inc. has static tested a set of production pedals and found they exceeded
the strength limits specified in FAR Part 23. However, since several operational failures
have occurred, corrective action should be taken.