Vaniman Autopilot VMC-A601 Quick Start Manual Download Page 1


140 N. Brandon



P.O. Box 74, Fallbrook, CA 92028



1-800-VANIMAN (826-4626)


Page 1

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1 - Instructions




allows you to control your dust collector from one or two micromotor workstations.  

When you start your micromotor, the dust collector will start automatically.  When you stop your micro-

motor or air handpiece, the dust collector will continue for a short period of time to allow for the residual 

dust to be cleared.  If your dust collector is set up for two station operation, you can control it with two 

micromotors or air handpieces, one at each station.


The Autopilot will accommodate one dust collector that draws up to 10 amps, 115VAC, and two mi-

cromotors or electric handpieces that do not exceed 

5 amps, 115VAC, total

.  Plug the Autopilot into 

a grounded outlet.  Plug the dust collector into the center receptacle and turn the dust collector's main 

switch on.  Turn the red power switch on the Autopilot to the ON position.  Turn the black switch off AU-

TOMATIC, the dust collector should come on.  Turn the black switch to AUTOMATIC, the dust collector 

should go off.    If it does not, see adjustment instructions below.
Note:  If two micromotors are plugged into the AutoPilot, some micromotors interfere with each other 

and cannot be used at the same time with the AutoPilot.  Additionally, some high speed brushless units 

may not draw enough power to trigger the AutoPilot.  Please contact Vaniman if you experiance this 

1. Turn the unit on at the main power switch. Flip the "AUTO/MANUAL" switch to “AUTOMATIC”, the 

dust collector should go off.

2. Plug one micromotor into the receptacle on the top of the dust collector. If the dust collector comes 

on, the sensitivity is set too high for your micromotor; we will adjust it in a moment. If the dust collec-

tor did not start when first plugged in; start the micromotor now. If the dust collector starts, then the 

sensitivity is set correctly.

3. If the sensitivity is not set correctly, it can be adjusted by the screw located on the bottom of the unit.   

To increase the sensitivity, turn the screw counter-clockwise (to the left). If your dust collector did 

not start when you started the micromotor, then increase the sensitivity by turning the screw slightly 

counter-clockwise waiting two seconds after each adjustment. Try the micromotor again. If the dust 

collector does not start, then increase sensitivity a little more. Repeat this process until the dust col-

lector starts when the micromotor is running.

  If the dust collector starts when the micromotor is plugged in but not running, then the sensitivity is 

set too high and you need to decrease it by turning the screw slowly clockwise (to the right). Allow at 

least 10 seconds between adjustments for the time delay. When you reach the point where the dust 

collector stays off; try the micromotor and the dust collector should start automatically. If it does not, 

then you may have decreased the sensitivity too much. Increase the sensitivity as described in the 

paragraph above.


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AUTOPILOT MUsT  NOT exCeed 60 PsI.  

hIgheR PRessURe MAy dAMAge The UNIT
