Performable actions
The following actions are only possible if a connection has been established.
Restore All Alerts
Restores all active alerts on the panel. These alerts messages are displayed in
red text opposite the relevant item.
Updates any changes in panel status. You must refresh the status page to
display the actual panel status at any particular moment.
Full Engineer/Soft Engineer
To toggle between Soft- and Full Engineer modes. Full Engineer mode disables
alarms and prevents reporting of events to a central station.
17.6.2 X-Bus Status
1. Select
Status > Hardware > X-Bus Status
The following page with the status of the different X-Bus devices is displayed. All detected
expanders are listed as default.
2. Select one of the following tabs.
- Expanders (for programming expanders, see
- Keypads (for programming keypads, see
- Door controllers (for programming door controllers, see
3. Click any of the keypad/expander/door controller identifying parameters (ID, description, type,
serial number) to displayed further status details. Expander Status
1. Select
Status > Hardware > X-Bus Status
2. Select the
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration Manual
Engineer programming via the browser
© Vanderbilt 2018