You can use the brake pedals differently in various working situations.
1. Brake pedals
2. Latch for brake pedals
The tractor has two brake pedals which apply separately to the right and to the
left side rear wheels. All four wheels are braking when pressing both brake
pedals. The pedals can be locked together with a latch to brake evenly with all
four wheels.
WARNING: The brake pedals must always be latched together when
driving on the road.
CAUTION: If functional problems occur in the braking system, stop the
tractor and rectify the fault before continuing.
To brake evenly with four wheels, press down the both brake pedals.
DANGER: The brake action is weaker if the gearbox oil pressure
warning light is lit and the STOP indicator light begins to flash.
Stop the tractor and correct the fault before continuing.
To intensify steering by braking when turning on the field, press down the
brake pedal on the inner curve side.
Using the emergency brake
If the brakes fail while driving, you can control braking with the emergency brake
The emergency brake is extra equipment.
The emergency brake is applied to the rear wheels.
3. Operation
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