Revision D November 2022
Assembly Narrow
1) Mark System Location
Locate the centerline of the system by measuring the proper offset from the roadside
obstacle. See the
Drawing Package supplied
with the system. Place chalk line to mark the
centerline of the system. Mark a construction line parallel to the center line and offset 6.5”
[165 mm] to one side as shown in Figure 15. The edge of the Monorail will
be positioned on
this line
The concrete foundation
must comply with the
project plans supplied with the system.
Location of system with respect to the roadside obstacle is critical and
dependent on the type of Transition Panel used. Please refer to the
Package supplied
with the system for details.
2) Anchor the Backup
A) Concrete Backup Construction (Figure 16)
Locate Backup Face Plate using the Backup Assembly drawing. Verify that any applicable
Transition Panels fit properly before anchoring the Face Plate. Drill anchor holes in the
Concrete Backup using the Face Plate as a template. Anchor the Face Plate to the Concrete
Backup using the approved adhesive kit supplied with the system (p. 12).
Every borehole and slot in Backup and Monorail must be anchored by
a stud using an approved adhesive.
B) Tension Strut Backup Assembly (Figure 17)
Locate Tension Strut Backup and Monorail on foundation with side of Monorail on the
construction line (p. 26). Verify that any applicable Transition Panels fit properly before
anchoring Backup. Drill anchor holes in foundation using the Backup as template. Anchor
the Backup to the concrete foundation using an approved anchoring system (p. 12).
Every borehole and slot in Backup and Monorail must be anchored by
a stud using an approved adhesive
Figure 15
(Top view of concrete foundation)