Valon Technology 5009a Operations Manual – Version 1.38
Page 16
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Configuration Manager Main Page
button on the Configuration Manger allows the user to enter the desired
operating frequencies and output power attenuation levels. The Main page also has a number
of useful secondary functions.
Enter the desired operating frequency here. The up and down arrows in the
Frequency window will increment or decrement the displayed frequency by the Step Frequency
Step Frequency:
Amount the Frequency will change with the Frequency up and down arrows.
Offset Frequency:
This can be either a positive or negative number and is useful added to the
Frequency value. Use an offset frequency when it’s desired to automatically account for an IF
frequency in a super heterodyne system. For example, if the Offset frequency is 10.7MHz (a
standard FM broadcast receiver IF) and the desired 88.5MHz (KQED), the actually synthesizer
frequency will be 99.2MHz (LO).
Synthesizer can be operated in the Fractional-N mode or Integer-N mode. The lowest
spur mode will be the Integer-N mode but that will limit the frequency resolution (see
specifications above). The Fractional-N mode provides the finest frequency resolution at the
expense of spurious signals. The recommend mode for most applications is the AUTO mode.
Spur Mode:
Low Noise mode will provide the best phase noise at most frequencies. When
operating near integer boundaries of the PLL, the Spur Mode 1 or Spur Mode 2 might provide
improved spurious performance along with a slight degradation in phase noise.
VCO/Div Feedback:
(Not currently implemented) the internal PLL feedback is selectable from
either VCO or the internal output frequency divider. Normally, for best phase noise
performance, the VCO mode should be selected.
AM Modulation:
AM modulation is available by setting the AM Modulation value to any value
other than 0.0dB. AM Modulation changes the RF output power at the AM frequency rate using
the RF attenuator. For example: If the attenuator is set to 15dB (approximately 0dBm output)
and the AM Modulation set to 10dB, the then attenuator is switched between 10dB and 20dB at
the modulation rate. 0.0dB turns the modulation off.
AM Frequency:
The AM frequency range is 0.5Hz to 10kHz. The frequency setting resolution is
1Hz. The AM waveform is 50% duty cycle square wave.