Valon Technology 5009a Operations Manual – Version 1.38
Page 15
Configuration Manager (CM) graphical user interface (GUI)
Configuration Manager
can be used to quickly and easily set the 5009 dual synthesizer
frequencies and mode of operation. The Configuration Manager is available as a free download
from the Valon Technology Products web site. Install the V5009CM.exe in any directory or on
the desktop.
Configuration Manager Menu Bar
The CM menu bar provides quick access to the 5009's various operational modes.
The File drop-down menu item provides.
File/Load Config;
Loads all the previously saved CM configuration parameters from a .VR0 file
to the active CM.
Saves the all the current CM configuration parameters to a file.
File/Toggle LogFile;
Creates a log5009.txt log file in the directory that the CM is in and captures
all CM commands and responses.
Closes the CM.
Synthesizer/Read Registers;
Read registers will fill the CM with the all the parameter data of
the connected synthesizer model. Do this when first connecting to a synthesizer model.
Synthesizer/Write Registers;
Write registers will transfer all CM data to the synthesizers
module. Use this if you just loaded a configuration from a file and want to update the
synthesizer with the new parameters. WRIT is primarily used by the GUI to send all of the GUI
setting to synthesizer with just one command.
Resets the synthesizer to the factory presets.
Synthesizer/Save to Flash;
Saves all synthesizer setting to non-volatile flash memory. Next
power up will restore these settings.
Synthesizer/Recall from Flash;
Recalls synthesizer settings from flash memory.
Completely clears all edited synthesizer setting and information including
synthesizer names.