© 2019 Valeport Ltd
Optional Bluetooth Logger
Page 21
7.2. USB Bluetooth Receiver
To ensure the reliability of the Bluetooth communications, the logger pack is supplied with a dedicated Bluetooth
receiver. The logger and receiver are paired in the factory and will automatically connect whenever active and in
range. The receiver is supplied with a stubby aerial, but can also be supplied with a weatherproof magnetic mount
antenna for outside mounting.
The receiver will install as a USB serial port adaptor and should install automatically on most windows PC’s. If the
receiver will not automatically install, drivers can be downloaded from:
Once installed, the device will scan for the paired logger, with the LED cycling from green to purple. When the
logger pack is detected, the LED will go blue. If data is being transmitted then the LED will flash blue.
Once the device is connected, it can be communicated with as though connected with a cable. When using
DataLog software, the Bluetooth option should be checked.
For use with hyperterminal, the connection is 57600 baud, 8 N 1.
For use with DataLog, select the Bluetooth Comms option which fixes the baud rate to 57600 baud, 8 N 1.