1. Attach the welding joint to the process pipe or chamber.
2. Apply a sealant (MEGA-PIPE EXTRA No. 7188 or LOCTITE
No. 542 with activator No.
7649) on the threads of the welding joint and screw the bottom of the ball valve onto the
welding joint.
3. Tighten the ball valve assembly by turning from the ball valve body.
Tightening the ball valve kit by turning the extension nipple
can break the sealing. Tighten the ball valve assembly only from the ball
valve body.
4. If you need to cap the ball valve assembly before installing or after removing the probe,
attach a blanking nut to close the top of the valve.
3.6 HMP9 probe
112 [4.41]
Probe cable 2 m [6.56 ft]
Ø 25 [0.98]
94 [3.70]
Ø 2.4 [0.094]
Ø 5 ±0.05
[0.20 ±0.002]
16 [0.63]
Attachment point
Figure 9 HMP9 probe dimensions
Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP9 is designed for easy installation
into rapidly changing environments where fast response time, measurement performance, and
chemical tolerance are essential.
Chapter 3 – Installation
陕西威瑞仪器仪表有限公司 生产代理销售:实验检测设备 气象科学仪器设备
Tel:029-88186182 Web:www.xavery.cn Email:[email protected]