User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
60 ___________________________________________________________________ M211060EN-H
If you wish to remove the effects of RH calibration (returning the
RH measurement of the probe to the factory calibrated state), see
section Clear Adjustment of RH Measurement on page 49.
Two-Point Adjustment of RH
Measurement (HMP110 and HMP113)
To perform a two-point adjustment to the capacitance measurement of
the HMP110 or HMP113 using serial line you need:
- The Vaisala USB cable (Vaisala order code: 219690)
- PC with a terminal application.
- Two humidity references. The first point requires a < 50 %RH
humidity reference, the second point must be > 50 %RH. There must
also be at least 30 %RH difference between the references.
The procedure below uses the HMK15 Humidity Calibrator. LiCl salt
(11 %RH) is used as the first reference point, NaCl (75 %RH) as the
Connect the USB cable to the PC, but do not connect it to the probe
Remove the filter from the probe and insert the probe in the LiCl
salt chamber of the humidity calibrator (11 %RH).
Start a terminal application and set the correct connection settings.
The default serial settings are
19200 8 N 1
. Remember to check
which COM port the USB cable is using.
Wait for 20 – 40 minutes for the humidity to stabilize.
Start the terminal session and connect the USB cable to the probe.
If your probe is in the analog output mode, you need to press Enter
a few times to start it in RS-485 mode.
Verify that the connection works by giving the
If the probe does not respond with device information:
- Disconnect the USB cable from the probe and retry. If your probe
is in the analog output mode, press Enter a few times immediately
after connecting the USB cable.
- Try the
command in case the probe is in POLL mode, open the
line using
command if necessary.
- Check your serial line settings and cable connections.
When your serial connection is working, use the
command to see
the current user adjustment parameters.