User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ M210296en-A
An extra photodiode measures the light scattered backwards from the
lens, other objects, or contaminants. This signal as well as several
internal signals are monitored via MUX-line.
The CPU board supplies only one voltage Vb = 10 - 13 V for both the
transmitter and receiver. This is used for heating the lenses, for the
transmitter LED heating and for producing both +5 V digital and
+15 V analog supplies. The +15 V supply is located on the FDT12B
FDR12 Receiver Unit
The Receiver Unit consists of a light receiver, preamplifier, voltage to
frequency converter, backscatter measurement light source LED, and
some control and timing electronics.
Figure 23
FDR12 Receiver Block Diagram
The receiving PIN photodiode senses the transmitted light pulses
scattered from the aerosol particles. The signal voltage is filtered and
detected by a phase-sensitive, lock-in amplifier synchronized with the